
HICKLEBEE’S BOOKSTORE – When you shop at this local bookstore in Willow Glen remember to give them the name of our elementary school – Guadalupe. GHSC will get a percentage of each purchase you make! Support local stores that support our school.

eScrip – Register for the eScrip program. Registering your loyalty cards, like our local Lucky, and credit cards allow our school to earn up to 10% on every qualified purchase you make. Shop as usual and make money for GHSC…but YOU HAVE TO REGISTER!
Here’s How it Works:
- You register any one or all of your existing grocery loyalty, debit and credit cards for use in the program. Guadalupe Elementary School ID# 137616995
- Participating merchants will make contributions to the GHSC, based on purchases made by you, just by using the cards you have registered.
- Your purchases are tracked and available to you online, allowing you to see just how much you are earning on your child’s behalf!

iGive – Join iGive and help GHSC earn money all year long when you shop online at thousands of different retailers. No purchase necessary, the only requirement – sign-up and try the free iGive Button.
Here’s How it Works:
- Go to www.iGive.com/GHSC to register
- Download the iGive button on your browser
- Shop at any participating retailer and a pop-up will allow you to donate a portion of your online purchases to GHSC. No need to click through a link or even remember which retailers are participating – the iGive button reminds you!

AMAZON SMILE – Amazon Smile give 0.5% of your eligible purchases are donated to the GHSC. It’s easy, free, and doesn’t require you to set up a new account. It’s the same products, same prices, and same service!
Here’s How it Works:
- Go too smile.amazon.com
- Sign in to your regular amazon account
- Choose Guadalupe Home & School Club (Location: San Jose) as your charity of choice

SPORTS BASEMENT – Need some new sports equipment? Go to any Sports Basement (the closest one is located in the Campbell Pruneyard) and mention Guadalupe Elementary School to receive a 10% discount on your purchase GHSC will also receive 5% of your purchase. Win-win!
Thank you for your help and your participation! If you have any questions or comments, please contact GHSC Treasurer [email protected].

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION (BTFE) – is still offering their $0.10 per box top but they are moving towards a digital platform. You will need to download the BTFE phone app and scan your grocery receipts for box top purchases. NO MORE CLIPPING BOX TOPS