Traffic & Pedestrian Guidelines
The Traffic Safety has created the following guidelines to tackle problems we have seen during Drop-Off and Pick-up times. Please note that all drop-off and pick-up zones are AIRPORT-STYLE Traffic. Always pull forward, and students must exit (on their own) along the curb. If you would like to help with the Traffic Safety Team and improve and promote safety, please signup for a TRAFFIC SAFETY SHIFT or email our Traffic Safety Chair ( [email protected] )
NO PARKING in Drop-Off/Pick-up Zones: We know the city signs are not current. Please drop off students along the Vera Cruz curb next to the track fence, or pull into the front parking lot circle. Please do not park and leave your car in these areas.
PULL FORWARD when entering Drop-off/Pick-up Zones.
RED CURBS: Please do not park or stop along a painted red curb; it’s dangerous and illegal.
DOUBLE PARKING: Please do not double park your car for drop-off or pick-up. Your student should enter and exit the car at the CURB ONLY.
CROSSWALKS: All students must use the CROSSWALK at all times. Traffic Safety stresses this because someday, your student will be walking home or to your car on their own.
STOP SIGNS: Please notice the Vera Cruz/Puerto Vallarta intersection has 3 stop signs.
JAYWALKING: Cutting across Vera Cruz or Puerto Vallarta is jaywalking and extremely dangerous. We strive to teach students of all grades to use crosswalks at all times
EXIT PASSENGER SIDE ALWAYS: Students must always exit a vehicle on the passenger/curbside.
BACKPACKS WITH STUDENTS: Please have backpacks sitting with your student. Please do not place backpacks in the trunk of your car, and parents need to remain in the car.
PARENTS REMAIN IN CAR WHEN USING TRAFFIC LINE: Parents, please remain in the car. Please make necessary adjustments for your student to exit the car independently. If you need to assist your student in exiting the car, please park and walk your student.
Guadalupe Drop-Off and Pickup Map

NEIGHBOR DRIVEWAYS: Do not obstruct any driveway when parking or dropping off your student. Students should always be dropped off curbside, and a driveway does not have a curb.
U-TURNS USING DRIVEWAYS: Parents, please do not use neighbors’ driveways to make u-turns on Vera Cruz & Puerto Vallarta. We have seen too many near misses between cars when illegal three-point turns are attempted.
LEFT TURN @ VC & PUERTO: Avoid the traffic on Vera Cruz by making a left-hand turn at the intersection of Vera Cruz and Puerto Vallarta. (see diagram below)
NO U-TURNS: Do not perform u-turns on Coleman Drive, Vera Cruz Drive, Puerto Vallarta Drive, or in many three-way intersections around the school.
STOP @ STOP SIGNS: Parents, please STOP at ALL stop signs, including the crossing guard sign. Traffic team members will not motion/direct traffic.
PARKING LOT EXIT: Do not use the EXIT as an entrance. This includes staff.
NO LEFT-HAND TURNS INTO PARKING LOT ENTRANCE: Left-hand turns are prohibited during Drop-Off & Pick-up times. A sign is posted at the parking lot entrance but does not include the current schedule. Changing these signs is difficult, and we are working hard to update them.
DROPPING OFF: Coleman is NOT a parking zone; please do not drop off or pick up your student along Coleman. We no longer will have a staff member or a traffic safety team member on Coleman to ensure the safety of students along Coleman.
REDUCE YOUR SPEED: Help Guadalupe reduce speeding along with Coleman; please reduce your speed to 25MPH, two blocks from the school.
RUNNING ACROSS COLEMAN: Please do not park across the street from the Guadalupe curb along Coleman and run across the street. It’s hazardous to jaywalk across Coleman.
WALK KINDERS TO GATE: Kinder Parents, please walk your student to the KINDER GATE for drop-off and pick-up at Kinder Gate daily. Please do not pull into the parking lot drop-off/pick-up line and have your student-run to/from your car or get out of/leave your car parked in the car line. Please park your car in the neighborhood and walk onto campus.
JAYWALKING: Jaywalking is illegal in the state of California when traffic is present with 200 feet or when you walk between two cars. Please help us teach your student they should always use a crosswalk, when crossing a street.
YIELD TO CROSSING GUARD: Always follow the crossing guard’s signs when standing at the intersection or crosswalk.
PEDESTRIANS IN CROSSWALKS: CARS should never cross any crosswalk when a pedestrian or crossing guard is in the intersection or displaying a stop sign.

Traffic in the morning can be crazy on the lower end of Vera Cruz. There are 3 ways to skip the traffic by simply
GREEN: Need to head back to Coleman in a hurry, turn left on Puerto Vallarta and then turn right onto Via Madero, which will drop out onto Coleman.
BLUE: Taking Puerto Vallarta up to Camden is always the fastest route. The light at Coleman and Camden is always backed up during the morning and even afternoons.
PINK: To get back to Redmond during the mornings and afternoons is easier using Puerto Vallarta and then making a left turn on Via Modero and another left Montellano, which will take you to Monteverde. A left turn on Monteverde is a clear shot to Redmond.

Want to beat the speeding traffic and not block Vera Cruz traffic?
In the middle of COLEMAN DRIVE, there is a TURN LANE (shown highlighted in yellow above) that can be used to merge into oncoming traffic. Trying to time entry into the two-way traffic can be timely and scary at times. The middle turn lane gives you a better option to merge with traffic. Using this also alleviates cars backing up on Vera Cruz.
The city of San Jose, has posted NO U-TURN signs on both sides of COLEMAN DRIVE. Please do not use the turn lane in the middle of Coleman Drive to make illegal u-turns.
Interested in Volunteering for ONE SHIFT A WEEK?
Please email [email protected] to help out!
Report Traffic Incident
If you witnessed an incident during drop-off and pick-up time. Please share the details as best you can. This information will only be shared with the traffic team and the principal.