Project Cornerstone

Project Cornerstone has been a staple at Guadalupe for over a decade. “Project Cornerstone is an initiative that seeks to build a community where all adults support children and youth so they can thrive. We can help the children in our community feel that they belong by creating thousands of moments when children/ youth feel valued, respected and known.”

Each year a team of parents, one from each classroom are trained and share a book in the classroom that builds on students learning in the classroom and in the community. This program is purchased each year and our annual fundraising event, like the Walk-a-thon help raise the funds for this and many other programs. Project Cornerstone is purely by Guadalupe parent volunteers.

Here is a great resource of all the lessons and the skills and assets being taught through PROJECT CORNERSTONE.

Volunteering is very easy. The start of the year there is a short one-day training meeting for the whole school year. The Project Cornerston docent will provide all the necessary materials for your readings and how to lead discussion in the classroom.

If you are interested in joining the Project Cornerstone Team, please email the lead docent [email protected].