Classroom Giving Drive

Donating to the Classroom Giving Drive is easy! Visit and login to the GHSC Toolkit and use the Classroom Giving Drive Form listed under the FORMS tab. Thank you!

On behalf of our teachers, the Classroom Giving Drive (CGD) is an opportunity for parents to donate a suggested amount for field trips and classroom needs that are not funded by the district or state. Teachers determine each grade level’s suggested donation amount. Your CGD donations go directly to your classroom. 

Your grade’s suggested donation amount can be found on GHSC Toolkit site we invite Guadalupe families to give what fits their household budget. 


Click on your grade(s) below to see the suggested donation amount for each grade. We also provided a detailed breakdown of where every dollar goes for each grade level + classroom.


VOLUNTEER: You can volunteer your time inside and outside of the classroom, by using GHSC Toolkit Volunteer Interest Form

Become a SPONSOR FAMILY: Families can donate any amount and become a sponsor family. Each sponsor can choose to make their donation anonymously or have their family name honored.

COMPANY MATCHING: Please don’t forget to check if your company participates in Company Matching!  Corporate Matching is free to you, and usually, has just a short form to fill out.…but it can make a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE to your child’s education! All donations made through GHSC Toolkit receive an email receipt which can be used for tax purposes.

Questions about Classroom Giving Drive, email ~ [email protected]

Questions about Corporate Matching, email ~ [email protected]

Questions about Sponsor Family, email ~ [email protected]

Questions about Volunteering, email ~ [email protected]

Questions about donating on GHSCToolkit, email ~ [email protected]SaveSave