Variety Show
5:30PM Show
Doors Open @ 5:10PM
7:30PM Show
Doors Open @ 7:10PM
Entry is FREE
Seating is First Come/First Seated
Get your student ready for the talent extravaganza! Whether your child is a singer, dancer, magician, or possesses a unique skill, this is the chance to shine at our annual VARIETY SHOW! Whether your child is a live sensation or a pre-recorded prodigy, the stage is theirs to sparkle and amaze!
There are two shows each year, with a maximum of 30 acts per show. Each show is grade-specific, but is determined after all the applications are processed.
The Process
- All performers need to complete the VARIETY SHOW Application that is provided on GHSC.NET/TOOLKIT.
- If your performer is a part of a group, all members of the group need to have their parents complete the form. Your place in the line of 30 accepted acts is only secured when all members of your group have completed the application.
- Parents will receive a confirmation email after the application deadline date, confirming their child’s casting.
- Students are highly encouraged to perform live at the show. If your child is timid to go on stage all by themself, find a buddy or few to perform together. This works most of the time and allows a greater student participation in the show!
- Please understand that this is primarily a live show and pre-recorded (video) entries will be restricted to acts that absolutely cannot be performed live such as snowboarding, skiing, synchronized swimming, trapeze flying, etc only.
There is a limit of 30 acts per show.
- If your application is #31, your student’s act will be wait-listed and you will be informed of the same.
- If any acts are dropped and spots open up, you will be notified.
- If there are 3 students in your act, you should have all 3 students complete and sign applications online by the deadline. If you are a solo act, you will submit one application, etc.
- Once you have submitted your application, your act details should be considered final. Any changes will need to be approved.
- Applications must be filled out by a parent or guardian. Most Important Information: Act Name, Act Type, Performer Name, Teacher, and Grade Level
- Email address is needed to communicate show details, please provide a valid email address.
- One act per student and multiple acts need to be approved prior to submitting a second application. Please contact Show Chair <[email protected]>
- All acts have a strict 2-minute time limit. Please respect this rule as it helps ensure that all students will have an opportunity to perform and wrap the show up on time.
- Maximum performers for one act is 7 students.
- All performers must be currently attending Guadalupe.
- All act content and costumes must be school-appropriate.
- Thursday, February 20 – APPLICATIONS and ACT DETAILS DUE.
- Details needed: Act name, Act Type, Performer Name, Teacher, and Grade Level
- Max of 30 acts per show. (Only 2 shows, grade-specific)
- Late applications will not be accepted.
- Thursday, February 27 – FINAL MUSIC and video FILES DUE. File types (Accepted File Type – mp3/mp4/wav/etc).
- Cut the song/edits to 2 minutes or less, and do not upload uncut songs or videos. Google form location will be provided in APPLICATION CONFIRMATION EMAIL.
- Email [email protected] with questions.
- Read additional instructions HERE.
- Wednesday, March 5 – Full Rehearsal for all performers. All acts MUST attend the rehearsal.
- Thursday, March 6 – School Show during the school hours for students only.
- Friday, March 7 – Performances. Please note the call times for each show are for all performers.
5th Graders – apply to be the Emcee for the Variety Show! Spaces limited.
The EMCEE needs to complete the Variety Show Application on GHSC ToolKit. Complete two applications if the Emcee plans to perform.
Emcee’s are required to attend all rehearsals and performances.
Check Out Our Past Variety Shows
All questions can be sent to [email protected]