BUY-IN SPOTLIGHT: Children Working With Their Hands = Future

screen-shot-2016-10-16-at-1-52-28-pmGuadalupe Parent Emily McQueen and Founder of MakerSoul, an amazing after school experience that nurtures the MAKER in all of our children. She has donated two classes this year to help raise money for your Guadalupe students.

MakerSoul: Games – Will be held on December 12, 2016 and is designed for students to build games to give as presents to family or friends during the holiday season.

MakerSoul: Jewelry – Another great Maker class being held on April 26, 2017 to give students the opportunity to design and make custom jewelry. Perfect timing for Mother’s Day.

img-9209_1You can find more information on this buy-ins and all of 2016/17 Buy-ins in the 2016 Harvest
Festival Catalog.